full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Chris A. Kniesly: How corn conquered the world

Unscramble the Blue Letters

These mountains of maize inspired numerous corn concoctions. Cornstarch could be used as a thickening agnet for everything from gasoline to glue or processed into a low-cost sweetener known as High-Fructose Corn Syrup. Maize quickly became one of the cheapest animal fdees worldwide. This allowed for inevnpseixe meat production, which in turn increased the dnaemd for meat and corn feed. taody, humans eat only 40% of all cultivated corn, while the remaining 60% suprpots consumer good industries worldwide.

Open Cloze

These mountains of maize inspired numerous corn concoctions. Cornstarch could be used as a thickening _____ for everything from gasoline to glue or processed into a low-cost sweetener known as High-Fructose Corn Syrup. Maize quickly became one of the cheapest animal _____ worldwide. This allowed for ___________ meat production, which in turn increased the ______ for meat and corn feed. _____, humans eat only 40% of all cultivated corn, while the remaining 60% ________ consumer good industries worldwide.


  1. demand
  2. inexpensive
  3. supports
  4. today
  5. feeds
  6. agent

Original Text

These mountains of maize inspired numerous corn concoctions. Cornstarch could be used as a thickening agent for everything from gasoline to glue or processed into a low-cost sweetener known as High-Fructose Corn Syrup. Maize quickly became one of the cheapest animal feeds worldwide. This allowed for inexpensive meat production, which in turn increased the demand for meat and corn feed. Today, humans eat only 40% of all cultivated corn, while the remaining 60% supports consumer good industries worldwide.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
yellow dent 4
united states 2
dent corn 2
corn syrup 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
yellow dent corn 2

Important Words

  1. agent
  2. allowed
  3. animal
  4. cheapest
  5. concoctions
  6. consumer
  7. corn
  8. cornstarch
  9. cultivated
  10. demand
  11. eat
  12. feed
  13. feeds
  14. gasoline
  15. glue
  16. good
  17. humans
  18. increased
  19. industries
  20. inexpensive
  21. inspired
  22. maize
  23. meat
  24. mountains
  25. numerous
  26. processed
  27. production
  28. quickly
  29. remaining
  30. supports
  31. sweetener
  32. syrup
  33. thickening
  34. today
  35. turn
  36. worldwide